Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology Alumni Association is an institution of past students, present students and faculties of Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology (DIET) as well as Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies (DIET-DS).
The association has the following broadly identified objectives in the field of engineering:
- To establish and maintain the contact between the past students, present students and the Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology (DIET) as well as Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies (DIET-DS).
- To pursue and sustain excellence in the education by interaction between the Alumni, faculties and present students of Institute.
- To improve Industry- Institute- Interaction and help to Training & Placement cell for the benefit of students.
- To extend financial assistance and co-operation to the Institute as well as to deserving past and present students of Institute in its endowment for the growth and development of education and research in the field.
- To generate funds and/or to establish endowment by donation to extend loan scholarship for the present meritorious students on merit cum means basis.
- To generate fund through donation for conducting any activity to achieve the objectives of Institute.
- To project constructive activities of Institute in India and Abroad.
- To provide common platform for exchange of ideas and disseminating the knowledge in the field.
- To perform other constructive activities leading towards the enhancement of the skill and knowledge of the members of the association.
We invite your suggestions/queries in formation and working of Alumni Association, where you only can actively involve into structure of association.